To all European Vapers,
This community is intended to gather politically and otherwise active vapers from the various European communities in order to join our forces and work as an "interface" between the various European national organizations.
The longterm vision is, in my opinion, to:
-- bring the various European vapers groups together and make us a joint force
-- plan "harmonized" actions in the "harmonized" European market and the fields of European politics;
So that both the public audience as well as the players in the field of politics have to take us and our needs, wishes, opinions into account.
In the short term this would mean, to:
-- gather members of the various European countries' vapers organisations to exchange information and possibly work towards short term goals, as it has been tried by AIDUCE in the past few weeks when they tried to find participants for their Strasbourg demonstration from other countries than France.
-- identify one or two people from each country to act as a reporter back and forth between their national organization(s) and this group. I will play this role as the "interface" between EVUN and IG-ED, Germany.
I think it's more than necessary that we not only "know" of each other's existence but to actually talk and exchange points of view -- this is what the politicians, lobbyists and certain NGOs have been doing all along the way, while we vapers were just sitting, vaping, waiting and hoping for a favourable decision in Brussels.
This was a dream - and now it's time to wake up a bit more and join our forces.
Visit our blog or register to our forum to join us.
Evun Team
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